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Lalit Somani ARN NO :2334 Hyderabad, 29 Jul 2016

Perfectly pointed Dhirajji. An MF has to be investor friendly and intentions of helping the investors should be clear rather then only for the sake of it . Kotak MF will correct this anomaly.


Nice view on yields & investment prospects in next few months. Plz also clear us ur view on what Low base line u see turn around of yields in coming time.........

dhiraj mittal ARN NO :Ace Wealth Managers Delhi, 29 Jul 2016

The operational part of Kotak Long term income facility is faulty. As of now, it has to be mapped to each investment and that too at the time of investment only. If fails in case of multiple investments in the same folio, because of the FIFO method used for redemption of units. Practically, people accumulate in debt funds over time and once it accumulates to a decent corpus (multiple investments and maybe some returns too) they want to do SWP, The load free SWP should be determined based on the total accumulated units at the time of lodging SWP and not on the units of an individual investment. Also, let the investors take time to decide regarding SWP, rather than forcing the same at the time of investment.