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I would be interested in taking this idea further , I will be happy to hear from other ifa or company which will help IFA increase their sevice delivery to client s in bond segment which can be as big as bank fd market
very good earning opportunity , can u share some thing extra on my mail id jvsuvagiya@yahoo.in, like good rating co. in bond mkt
It is a great idea benificial both for Investor and Broker but important is to create liquidity.
Yes it is good idea to create bonds between IFA to trade in bonds, it is still a very good suggestion for creating revenue for us. Although to sell these bonds in retail is still challenge due to very less upfront brokerage we are getting from issuer.
This is a good idea but during the current scenario its better to advise AAA RATING bond to clients as it is secure even though the return is low. Companies are highly levraged and advising the bond of such companies is very risky
I understand three problems in this: 1) Bond market is limited to few cities. 2) margin is very narrow. 3) Liquidity is not easy. wdm market is not wide and limited to few cities.
Yes it is good idea to create bonds between IFA to trade in bonds. I have bonds in my own portfolio. But liquidity is major problem. Hence if we form a group then trading in bonds may be easy with less jobbing. Although to sell these bonds in retail is still challenge due to very less upfront brokerage we are getting from issuer . But fee with little upfront may be good idea for selling these bonds. Ram kumar Agrawal
I appreciate the idea. Besides what soever benefits described in the idea, this gives us reason to remain in contact with each other for mutual benefits. Just one shop in a row, customers hardly come. Many shoppes make a market where customers frequently visit.
too good for us and for clients also from where we can find more information on this....? my mail id : turakhia.kaushal@gmail.com
This is the right approach. I would like to have more information about the business, products, processes. May I get any help from anyone?