"We trust that you will avoid using harsh language and will refrain from making unsubstantiated allegations against individuals and firms. Your constructive feedback and opinions are very valuable to all of us in the industry. "
Very True Bagariaji. An Eye opening article. We all admire Bagariaji for his Clear, True & Blunt thoughts. Our Community is blessed to have an experienced person like him. There is a difference between Product Return & Investor return. Gap has to be filled. Also we can increase our Investor returns by various ways. If we are not able to create wealth for our Investors. Why we are here?
Sirji u r absolutely right. Its not d investor fault, its our fault. D same investor investing in li, ppf for 25 years with decreasing low return but in case of mf not bcose we dont have long term conviction in our own subject & economy. Investor want 2 c d conviction in our body language they dont bother abt co. & scheme. They need our support to grow their money in all circumstances but we are mainly interested in product pushing. If we all take care of our investor then it will b d win win situation for everyone. Hope for d best.
Of what use, we all ask, are great product returns, if they cannot be transmitted into investor portfolios? How can this be solved ? This will be solved only and only if the investor is genuine and has not invested in equity for merely making profits but to create wealth.
Reason for declining market share of the industry is stadily loosing the simplicity of procedures to invest, advent of competitive products like ULIPs and aggressive marketing strategiries adoped by them, misselling by banks as reported in media, failure of the AMCs to differentiate in the way the distributors work and recognize numbers only.
As always, crisp and clear thoughts from Mr Bagaria.
Our mentor at ASK Circle has tried to make IFA realised that they should focus on investor centric approch instead of sales WE are blessed to have an experienced person like him who has a command and highly placed with AMCs. Lot to learn from him.
Gem of an article. I admire Bagariaji for always being independent in his thoughts & expressions. Always true & blunt. This article drives a pertinent point. As an advisor is my mandate to take care of my clients interest or AMCs targets. Let us all aim to have happy & satisfied investors on whom we are dependant. Be yourself Bagariaji, lot to learn from you.
Article though well written and captures all aspects of the mf industry, I would have loved to read detailed write up on the subject matter.
Well said.distributers should work in the best interests of investors rather than the self intetests and that ofAMCs
Pearls of Wisdom from the respected S K Bagaria ji, very well articulated and explained in plain simple language,Really I too wonder whether we have done justice to our small investor by selling him products as recommended by the manufacturer(AMC). The investor also having moved in at out at wrong times despite being advised to the contrary has not helped. Its time that all stakeholders the AMC, the distributor and the investor all come together on one page and we align ourselves to the only objective of creating wealthy happy investors.