"We trust that you will avoid using harsh language and will refrain from making unsubstantiated allegations against individuals and firms. Your constructive feedback and opinions are very valuable to all of us in the industry. "
Keeping great things simple is an Art.And Pradeep Sir is a great Artist.Kudos!!!
Fully agree with u Pradipji.. our role is to control emotions of clients. Story telling is one of the way. Beutifully designed My Wealrh Cteation Plan certificate. Congratulations
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1790738604275173&id=100000171518663 Pl see the the video link to the knowledge sharing session for clients, prospects and team.
"My motto is very simple: I never go after wallet share. I only focus on mind share. If I get mind share, wallet share will automatically come." Pradeepji I am fully agree with you. Our role is only to manage the emotion of the client, money will automatically come. All the best.