"We trust that you will avoid using harsh language and will refrain from making unsubstantiated allegations against individuals and firms. Your constructive feedback and opinions are very valuable to all of us in the industry. "
Great motivational article from our own IFA superstar.... Its a honour for us to have amongst us a Think-tank like Ashish....congratulations
Watching this movie gave me less goosebumps than reading your article, we all need to learn to respect( izzat) our work and our fellow IFAs, I see mostly everyone is out to cut each others throats to gain business, But thats not the case here, the attitude of sharing knowledge and working for the betterment of fellow IFAs makes you a gem, very nice article and truly inspiring for all....thanks for a nice interpretation... keep up the good work Ashish & manish
We on behalf of all UP team invite in varanasi please give your date as promised We are eagerly waiting Ca thukral
Thanks everyone for you kind words and encouragement. Really means a lot! These words givins us courage and motivation to share.
Excellent and truly inspiring article Ashish. My best wishes to Vista team.
Great Article Ashish. You have compared one of the highly successful movie with our Business and Industry in a very seamless way and simplified how each IFA can be successful by following simple virtues.
Shri Ashishji has wonderfully gave us 10 lessons like 10 commandments to learn via a powerful picture for the benefit of IFA Community. It is really thought provoking and an excellent motivating article. Thanks a lot for sharing his knowledge.
Excellent... As usual.. Very Useful to motivate the team members. Thank you for sharing wonderful inputs.
Very beautiful , inspiring , motivating , eye opener message conveyed . Even the producer or director or amir khan must have thought about it .!!. Thanks a lot for sharing the article & wish you all the best for future.
Excellent Article Ashishji . Written well in simple words. All IFA should read this article. Forwarding this article details to all IFA in Madhya Pradesh . Best Wishes to you , Manishji and Vista Team.
thanks for sharing views and good article truly inspired
It is very good inspirational article.
Excellent Thanks a lot for sharing your views
Truly inspiring n motivating.
Excellent piece Ashish.
thanks ashishji, for inspiring article and specifically lines "In day to day situations, instead of ducking uncomfortable client conversations and diminishing their trust in us,we need to fight our fear, take the conversations on proactively and do our best to address whatever are the issues. Fear destroys us because it makes us freeze."
Really inspirational write up by Mr. Ashish Change is constant, how we manouver to lead our business is the lesson,
Very inspiring thought process, it definitely had an impact in my thinking and so will be for a lot of people in the distribution community.
Excellent Article Ashish - A must read for all IFAs -- Comprehensively captures all the ingredients for a successfull practice - and winning gold medals in life .. !!!!
It definitely is the takeaway from the occasion/movie which is important. We all have seen the movie but the take away of ashish bhai is phenomenal .thanks to him .next task shall be implementation.Best of luck for that to all.
Very nice, inspiring at its best.. Really appreciate your readiness to share and help improve all linked to you in whichever way.
Ashish and Manish Sir, you are always true inspiration for Whole IFA community.. Aap dono to "DHAAKAD" ho..
As always extremely inspirational stuff from Ashish n most importantly his willingness to share with the fraternity is commendable. Thanks a lot Wealth Forum n Vista
Excellent and very useful aricle
Excellent article and takeaways from the following, team vista. Very inspiringly put up Thank you for the effort. Im reading this is the morning and it has already refreshed my mind with positivity to work harder, smarter and respectfully Cheers!