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CEO thanks MFDs for supporting his fund house through a difficult yearSwarup Mohanty, Mirae Asset MF, Mumbai

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Wow! What a wonderful interface Vijay. Truly loved that. Also, we the MFDs love the way Swarup uses words to describe the nuances of the industry. However, we really really miss all those videos you used to post by interviewing various MFDs and RIAs across the country. When do you suppose to relaunch those programs Swarup. Wishing you both a wonderful New Year going forward.

Mohsin Bijepuri ARN NO :33913 Chennai , 25 Dec 2022

Swarup is a CEO who doesn’t hesitate in calling a spade a spade. My takeaways: Risk mitigated products are on the rise. Large caps should continue to be part of the core portfolio. Fund management teams are expanding to include more analytical personnel. Capital market Investment is for optimists. India is far more digitised than the rest of the world. Capital markets will be a good contributor to the next Multi trillion growth of india. SIP book is growing. Mirae Flexicap & Multicap are on the anvil.

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