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6 ways to gain wallet share from your clientsArun Sundaresan, Nippon India MF, Mumbai

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In the inaugural edition of this special series on Asset Allocation, Saugata Chatterjee showcased the business benefits to MFDs of focusing on hybrid/asset allocation/embedded advice funds. Wallet share expansion from higher ticket sizes is a real opportunity for those who choose to embrace hybrids.

Arun takes us through the range of asset allocation funds that Nippon India offers to investors. We break up this suite into two sets based on outcome expectations of investors: inflation fighters and wealth creators.

Arun takes us through two inflation fighters and four wealth creators – showcasing 6 products, their customer propositions, their portfolio strategies and their outcomes when benchmarked against these two objectives of fighting inflation and creating wealth.

There is a wide range of options available to MFDs to pickthe fund that is most suitable for each client’s individual needs, riskappetite, circumstances, preferences and expectations. Understanding the rangeand picking the right solution for each client can go a long way inaccelerating your business growth through wallet share expansion while helpingclients build better portfolios.

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Mohsin Bijepuri ARN NO :33913 Chennai , 24 Jul 2023

Very good primer on Nippon AMC’s hybrid funds.

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