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A great way to start building core portfolios for your clientsSandeep Sharma, SBI MF, Mumbai

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SBI MF has launched two unique wrappers around their equity funds to give investors two different solutions:

Trinity – is a wrapper that puts together SBI MF’s Infrastructure Fund, Global Fund and BFSI Fund to give investors a great way to play the manufacturing theme in India from all angles including financing of the big manufacturing revival.

Unidiverse – a unique wrapper that brings 4 different styles from 4 high quality equity managers within SBI MF: Focused Equity managed by R.Srinivasan (Growth style), Midcap Fund managed by Sohini Andani (GARP style),Contra Fund managed by Dinesh Balachandran (Value style) and Large & Midcap Fund managed by Saurabh Pant (Blended style with a focus on market technicals as well).

Unidiverse brings to the table the idea that while diversification across equity styles is important, it does not have to be achieved by diversifying across fund houses – especially when a single large fund house can offer you multiple styles with proven track records in each. SBI MF is unique in its ability to offer such diversity at scale – all within a single fund house.

Unidiverse lends itself to become the first step in building core portfolios for all equity investors. Start with a sizeable allocation to Unidiverse – which encompasses multiple equity styles and then build equity fund portfolios around it through satellite allocations to other themes/categories as desired.

Sandeep says that just as you have the primary banker concept for large borrowers, its time to have a primary asset manager for investors –and Unidiverse is a great way for making SBI MF your primary asset manager without giving up the benefits of diversification.

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I want to take the opportunity

MUKESH ARN NO :33445566 BANGALORE, 15 Sep 2023

Dear team, Stop sending your promotional mail daily at above mail id. I unsubscribed many time but u still sending mail. Stop sending mail. Its irritate a lot. Thanks.

Sanjay Kharia ARN NO :Vitamin M advisors AMRAVATI, 15 Sep 2023

Interest in the fund can you elaborate on the how to make investment in this fund 7620858781 mobile

Bhaskara.B ARN NO :20019 Bengaluru , 15 Sep 2023

Would like to join

Ashish ARN NO :82 Ulaangom, 14 Sep 2023

SBI MF has been a great partners and we at Chadha Investments swear by some of these fund managers for their blunt talk and foresightedness- that’s why we stayed invested through their down cycle also , and that’s why we own a lot of them.Best wishes Sandeepji for this wrapper , we had a problem with consumption but clients who did not bother us we stayed invested and they socked it out of the stadium .Best wishes for the launch !

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