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Sales head shares very interesting data on new investor behaviourGaurav Goyal, Canara Robeco MF, Mumbai

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Gaurav shares fascinating data on where new investors are investing their money. The good news is that 3.2 cr new folios were added by the industry in FY24, of which 2.4 cr was in core equity funds. The not so good news is that 70% of this (1.6 cr new folios) were opened in small and mid cap funds and in thematic NFOs. In contrast, hybrid funds (ex arbitrage) got only13 lakh new folios, large cap and ELSS got only 8 lakh new folios each.

New money is chasing expectations of high returns –either on the back of past performance (small and mid caps) or the promise of exciting returns (high decibel sales pitches for new thematic NFOs).

There is a lot of work to be done by the industry and its distributors to encourage new investors come into more balanced products to start their investment journey

Canara Robeco crossed Rs.88,000cr AuM in FY24,registering a robust 42% growth over previous year, aided by 2 successful NFOs and significant growth in mainstream funds.

The company crossed its Mission 1 trillion target during the year, including assets under advice from overseas mandates.

The fund house plans to strengthen its hybrids range with a new balanced advantage fund launch during this year.

A key feature of their distribution engagement initiatives have been road shows across the country where not only the fund house’s investment and sales team engage, but also their service partner KFintech. This helps significantly in bridging communication gaps between distributors and R&T agents.

Gaurav’s thoughts for MFDs to build scale and capitalize on this growth wave:

1.       Invest in your business: create high quality teams, build robust processes, invest in the right technology platforms

2.       Make asset allocation your mantra for all clients

3.       Focus on unit growth instead of AuM growth, set and meet targets for new client acquisition

4.       Use SWP a lot more – there are so many investors who need cash flow solutions – who can be offered a range of MF options with SWPs set up on them.

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Thankyou very much gentlemen. Valuable insights. In this Amritkaal you have been discussing so much about how MFDs can grow their business 3x in this Amrit Kaal. However, we the MFDs only wish and hope that your guys at AMCs will seriously dwell on the various operational issues we face with these two DEMONS viz., CAMS & KARVY. Both these agencies (though they have gone Public) have not changed with the times one bit. In fact, they are behaving like the same old Marwadi Pawn Broker outfits. With the mind-boggling growth in AUMs these agencies have been showing their ire on the MFDs and the people who put food on their table. It is high time that you guys @ AMCs start to invest in your own inhouse RTAs instead of just dumping the DIRTY WORK on these pawn broker outfits and literally washing off your hands after delegation. This is highly abhorring and nauseating. Hope you guys will discuss this issue at your next AMFI meeting . Unfortunately, the Kaal for MFDs has now become a kind of Visha. God save the RTAs and the MFDs. Will you call spade a spade? Thats the million dollar question. Come on AMCs. Grow up.

Mohsin Bijepuri ARN NO :33913 Chennai , 17 Jun 2024

70% of the new folios are in Mid & Small cap. Hybrid inflows have dropped. Multi asset allocation funds evincing investors interest.

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