Wealth Forum Tv

My BIG IdeaJignesh V Shah, Surat

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More From :Jignesh Shah
Key Take-Aways
  • Focus + referrals = growth. Understand that money is the big motivation behind investments and focus on meeting your client's needs. Don't just ask for referrals but ask them to recommend you to them.

  • Think about what is good for your clients and act accordingly in terms of service and product selection. Client not only appreciate you but are willing to give you referrals.

  • Going forward: technology + human intervention. We need to talk, plan and educate but transactions will be completed with technology.

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Mohsin Bijepuri ARN NO :33913 Chennai, 14 May 2018

Focus, Referral & Technology: Beautifully put Jignesh Bhai. Thank you very much.

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