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Simplicity works - this fund is proofAshutosh Bhargava, Nippon India MF, Mumbai

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Nippon India Multi Asset Fund follows a simple asset allocation model that provides a tax-efficient diversified solution for long term investors.

The fund maintains a stable allocation across domestic equity (50%), international equity (20%), commodities (15%) and debt (15%).

International equity is passively invested in the MSCI World Index to capture global equity opportunities. Domestic equity is actively managed akin to a large & midcap fund, with a strong focus on bottom up stock picks.

Commodities exposure of 15% includes minimum 10% in gold and the balance either in gold or tactically in other commodities including silver and oil.

Debt allocation is managed akin to a short term fund – low on duration, low on credit risk.

Over the last 12 months, the fund has outperformed peer group average by 2% - outperformance driven in initial period by overseas equity allocation and more recently by stock picks in domestic cyclicals and a clear underweight on global cyclicals.

Taxation is akin to the erstwhile debt fund tax rules – 20%LTCG with indexation benefits, which suits investors in higher tax brackets.

This fund is part of a complement of 6 asset allocation solutions that Nippon India MF has made available (2 inflation fighters and 4wealth creators) to suit almost all unique investor needs and risk appetites.

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Mohsin Bijepuri ARN NO :33913 Chennai , 28 Sep 2023

Vijay’s discussions are always well researched and incisive giving us an in-depth view of the products services under review. Mr.Ashutosh replies with utmost clarity to all queries with precision. Now I know more about Nippon’s Multi Asset & Allocator F Funds.

Mohsin Bijepuri ARN NO :33913 Chennai , 28 Sep 2023

Vijay’s discussions are always well researched and incisive giving us an in-depth view of the products services under review. Mr.Ashutosh replies with utmost clarity to all queries with precision. Now I know more about Nippon’s Multi Asset & Allocator F Funds.

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