THIS is the future of retail financial advisorySantosh Navlani, ET Money, Mumbai

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ET Money – one of the largest direct MF platforms in India, has introduced a path-breaking new investment advisory service called ET Money Genius which democratizes access to wealth management at a very affordable cost.

For a flat fee of Rs. 249 per month, investors get personalized wealth management through a dynamically managed asset allocation model that invests across equity, debt and gold. Equity can either be index funds or a stocks-cum-ETF portfolio.

An innovative personality assessment replaces the traditional risk profiler to indicate the personality type of each investor. A risk score range is the outcome of this assessment rather than a static risk score, which allows for flexibility in tactical asset allocations as an overlay to a strategic allocation, based on markets as well as personal circumstances. Each investor has a glide path scheduled for each goal as a prudent risk management policy.

The entire onboarding and ongoing customer engagement is digital – through the ET Money Genius app. Investors get alerts on portfolio action recommended as per asset allocation, which they need to authorize for transactions to get executed.

The equity index funds mix is chosen based on market conditions, to enable investors to participate fully in the market – whether itis value at the foreground or growth, large caps or mid/small caps.

The stocks oriented option is a concentrated 8 stock portfolio chosen based on a proprietary quant model.

ET Money Genius – in its 19 months of existence – has already signed up over 130,000 clients – making it the largest RIA practice in India by number of clients. At just Rs.3000 per annum (249 per month) as a flat charge irrespective of amount invested, an investor with as low as Rs.3 lakhs in a portfolio can avail a full dynamic asset allocation based advisory service at an effective cost of 1% p.a. For a portfolio of Rs. 10 lakhs, the effective cost works out to only 0.3% p.a.

High quality digital wealth management through a dynamic asset allocation model at an extremely affordable cost – ET Money Genius is showing the way for the future of retail financial advisory in India.

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Mohsin Bijepuri ARN NO :33913 Chennai , 30 Oct 2023

Not for me. Without human counselling in corrections, wonder the fate of the portfolios.

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