Annual reporting of high value transactionsNo. of comments:12 Kumaraswamy C V, Bangalore, Ancaps On 06-Aug-2020I am kumaraswamy c v, MFI from Bangalore.
I am also a Chartered Accountant by qualification.
I need your support and intervention to address an industry grievance by highlighting through our Wealth Forum platform.
As per the CBDT directives all SFT transactions above certain limits have to be reported Annually to Income Tax department by all AMCs. The same data will be reflected in 26AS.
Many of our HNI investors are facing issues with regard to method of reporting the details of High value transactions by AMCs to Income tax authorities. This issue is for F Y 2019-20, A Y 2020-21. The related details were filed only a month back.
The issue is, where the holding pattern is either or survivor, same investment details are appearing for all the holders, in Form 26 AS.
For eg: A and B are husband and wife, Invested 1 Cr during F Y 2019-20 in a Liquid fund. Mode of holding is Either or Survivor. In Form 26 AS, it shows 1cr for A and 1cr for B.
It shows as if the investment is done in their respective name as single and the number of parties as 1.
This sort of duplication creates difficult situation for the HNI Investors to prove to the authorities as single Investment.
I did some validation exercise and checked with two more senior Advisors, Mr. K.Arun Kumar and Mr.Y.Sridhar.
They both checked the data and confirmed that it has happened in their cases also. It has happened with all AMCs.
This issue was not there in earlier years. I think after the Department has upgraded their software this has cropped up.
I request you to kindly download 26AS of your’ s own for A Y 2020-21 and check. Definitely you will notice this anomaly.
Only two options. Either the data submission should be restricted to First holder name or to inform CBDT that they should capture only First holder details.
As the data is already furnished, it may require immediate action. Otherwise based on erroneous 26AS, Tax authorities will act.
As you know that in days to come all Assessment procedures will be Digital, faceless and Non-physical.
This issue leads to mounting of Notices by the department and too much of harassment for Investors.
Since this is an industry problem I felt Wealth forum is the best platform to project it.