ARN RENEWAL – HARSH LAW – NO CONSIDERATION FOR AGE AND HEALTH CONDITIONS- LOSS OF COMMISSION – LOSS OF LIVELIHOODNo. of comments:191 T V SAVITHRI, HYDERABAD, 18395 On 27-Feb-2013Purpose and spirit of any law is to protect the interests of weak and infirm. But, AMFI Circular on ARN renewal seems to be going against that spirit. AMFI cancels “the entire trail and other commissions” of the business done until then, if the ARN is not renewed within 6 months, from the date of expiry of ARN. AMFI’s intention may be to discourage non-serious players. But, however sincere a distributor is, he/she can’t work forever and we have to retire at some point in time due to age. If we ARN holders become too old to write “renewal exam” or even to attend a “Refresher course”, the circular mercilessly takes away our livelihood/commissions, when we need it the most. Also, the circular ignores the fact that however sincere a distributor may be, there is a possibility that he/she might fell ill or may meet with an accident (we travel a lot) and may be sometimes bed-ridden for more than 6 months. How can one write exam or attend a refresher course in such a situation? This is yet another case of law being partial to the big fellows, as distribution companies do not have the above limitation and only the small IFA will be suffering in such cases. Apart from this, there are other operational issues like non-receipt of Renewal exam certificates within a specific time, delay in processing of ARN Renewal requests etc., which are leading to cancellation of commissions. Hope AMFI brings in changes in the above circular to make it a bit more accommodating, to real life conditions. Hope AMFI gives exemption from writing exams and/or attending classes for those Distributors who have either 10 years or more of experience or who have 50 years of age and makes commissions payable to them compulsorily, as LIC does.