Big threat to our long term SIPsNo. of comments:131 IFA Galaxy - Ramesh Bhat, Chennai, IFA Galaxy On 13-Dec-2012Friends there is a big threat coming for our Future SIP which we had given for 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 years or perpetual SIP. AMFI has given guidelines to all AMCs on wording for their addendums which are to be filed for creating direct plans. In these guidelines, there are specific clauses which deal with how AMCs should deal with instances where investors wish to transfer units from existing plans to direct plans. For existing investments – whether done through lumpsum or SIPs, the AMFI guideline says that investors wishing to transfer their accumulated unit balance held under Existing Plan (through lumpsum / systematic investments made with or without Distributor code) to Direct Plan will have to switch /redeem their investments (subject to applicable Exit Load, if any) and apply under Direct Plan. However, for fresh instalments of existing SIPs which have been done in the existing plan, the guideline says that investors who had registered for Systematic Investment Plan facility prior to the Effective Date (1 Jan 2013) with distributor code and wish to invest their future installments into the Direct Plan, shall make a written request to the Fund in this behalf. The Fund will take at least 15 days to process such requests. Intervening installments will continue in the Existing Plan. This makes it very convenient for investors to simply write a letter to MFs and move all future instalments of SIPs that we have procured, into direct plans. All our efforts in procuring long term SIPs can now come under threat of this simple new procedure. Shouldn’t SIPs procured by us continue in the existing plans? Shouldn’t investors be asked to stop existing SIPs and start new ones themselves under the direct plan, if they wish to do so? Why should SIPs that we procured be so conveniently moved away from existing plans to direct plans? Friends, we need AMFI to re-look at this and take a more balanced view.